About Me


I was born in Naples on 18 May 1982. I received the B.Sc. degree (Laurea I livello) in 2006 with a final mark of 103/110. In October 2008 I started my Master of Science final project under the supervision Professor Adriano Peron and in collaboration with Diego di Bernardo at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine. My project focuses on the development of a method for the study and analysis of microarray experimental data from human and mouse tissues and cell lines, with the aim of discovering tissue and cell specific gene regulation via a new approach for DIfferential Network Analysis. I received my M.Sc. degree (Laurea II livello) in October 2009 with a final mark of 110/110.



2010-2013: PhD degree in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (University of Naples, Federico II). Obtained on May 17th (2013). Title of thesis “Identification of transcriptional and post-translational regulatory networks from gene expression profiles: an information-theoretic approach”. Internship at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) with Dr. Diego di Bernardo.

2008-2009: M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, 110/110. Internship at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) . The thesis was developed under the supervision Professor Adriano Peron and in collaboration with Diego di Bernardo. Title of thesis: “Una piattaforma per lo studio e l'analisi di dati sperimentali della cellula e delle sue reti genetiche.”

2005-2006: B.Sc. degree in Computer Science, 103/110 (Laurea I livello - 3 years University studies, Federico II, Naples). Internship at the Institute of Cybernetics "Eduardo Caianiello" at the C.N.R. Pozzuoli. My supervisor was Prof. Francesco Mele. Title of thesis: “Progetto S.I.Re.Na., integrazione di risorse per i Quartieri Spagnoli: un' interfaccia di accesso alle risorse”.

1996-2001: I.T.I.S. “F. Giordani”, graduate with 74/100


2014 (January): Post-Doc Scientist at King's College in Francesca Ciccarelli’s Lab.

2013 (July): Post-Doc Scientist at European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Francesca Ciccarelli’s Lab, where I started to work on the reconstruction of tumor evolution of synchronous colorectal cancer from HiSeq genomic and transcriptional data.

2012 (April): Internship of two months at the Sheffield University with Prof. Neill Lowrence to learn the Bayesian and Gaussian process methods for machine learning.


Programming Language: C, C++, Java, MATLAB, R, Pascal, and SQL.
Web Applications: Java Servlets, JSP, HTML, XML, JDOM.
Database: ORACLE, MySQL and PostgreSQL.


2014 (May 13) : Lecture at The Systems Biology Modelling Cycle (EBI, UK, Cambridge, supported by BioPreDyn): Inference methods for biological networks.

2013 (Nov. 8-12): Selected to talk at RECOMB/DREAM 2013 Systems Biology conference (Canada, Toronto). Title of talk: “A computational high-throughput approach to discover post-translational modulators of transcription factor activity from gene expression profiles” .

2013 (April 22): Lecture at EPIGEN course (TIGEM, Italy, Naples): Introduction to reverse-engineering methods.

2012 (November): Selected for poster presentation at RECOMB/DREAM 2012 (US, San Francisco). “Identification of Post-Translational modifications from gene expression profiles using Multi-Information”. (G. Gambardella, N. Lawrence N. and D. di Bernardo).

2011 (July):   Tutors for Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Microarray Data Analysis (UNISA, Italy, Salerno).

2011 (September): Selected for poster presentation at ICSB 2011. Abstract title: "Identification of Active Metabolic Pathways and their Regulators from Differential Network Analysis (DINA)". (G. Gambardella and D. di Bernardo).

2010 (November): Selected to talk at RECOMB/DREAM 2010 for the Systems Biology conference (US, NY, Columbia University). Title of talk: "Identification and Analysis of tissue-specific co-expression networks from human samples". (G. Gambardella and D. di Bernardo).

2010 (July): Selected with fellowship for the PASCAL (Pattern Analysis, Statistical modelling and ComputAtional Learning) bootcamp in Marseille (5-13 July) .

2009 (September): I attended EMBO course “Networks in biology analysis, modeling and reverse engineering” (21-24 September, Bologna) organized by Giovanni Romeo.